Some more words in Portuguese to help you who does not speak Portuguese and want to go to the Brazil


  I want a beer, please  = EU QUERO UMA CERVEJA,POR FAVOR
a cold drink, please     = UMA BEBIDA GELADA,POR FAVOR
as it is called in Portuguese? = COMO FALO ISSO EM PORTUGUES?
bathroom = BANHEIRO 
women = MULHER
men = HOMEM
Please speak slowly = POR FAVOR FALE DEVAGAR
need help = PRECISO DE AJUDA
what is the direction? = QUAL É A DIREČAO?
entertaining = DIVERTIDO
ball = BOLA
drink in disposable cup = UMA BEBIDA NO COPO DESCARTAVEL
yesterday = ONTEM
today = HOJE
tomorrow = AMANHA


 Choose Your Destination


Mountain, beach or waterfall? Agito or ecotourism? Walking or business? Weekend, vacation or holiday? Brazil is a country rich in natural beauty and incredible destinations for all tastes. Research your destination and enjoy the best of your trip.

About Brazil

From January to December, Brazil hosts events of all kinds. Additional attractions in many corners of the country. Join!

Brazil is a diverse country
is divided into 5 regions: North, Northeast, Southeast, Midwest, South
The language spoken in Brazil is Portuguese
The Brazilian people are a people of different temperaments, they are descendants of many different peoples

between the months of February and March happens a big party in the whole country, known worldwide as Carnival.
The Brazil is an extremely open to tourism country. foreigners are always welcome.






 4 seasons in Brazil

The 4 seasons in Brazil:

spring: starting September 23 and ends December 21
  your days are long and hot ... accompanied by a pleasant breeze
Summer: starting December 21 and ending on March 21, the days are longer and warmer
Autumn: starting March 21 and ends June 21, are the shorter and colder days
Winter: Starting June 21 and ends September 23 days much colder and shorter, the sun's rays less intense and can snow in the south of the country


 for tourism in Brazil is necessary to inquire what type of area you want to know, because as I mentioned earlier the culture, climate, and locations are diversified

NORTH: Being a sparsely inhabited and later occupation region, the ecosystem of northern Brazil is preserved, which provides ecotourism activities.
As part of recent sustainable development planning, exploitation of tourism is growing every day with more infrastructure for tourists.

The Northern Region has a special vocation in eco-tourism, to house most of the most colossal tropical rainforest - the Amazon rainforest - in your package its vast flora, fauna, rapids, contacts with primitive indigenous and trails; still covers the largest rivers in the world, especially the Amazon River, which scales up to fifty kilometers in width during the rainy season.
STATES: ·  Acre , Amapá, Amazonas, Pará, Rondônia, Roraima, Tocantins. ( From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. )

Northeast: The immense coast of Northeast Brazil is the main factor that contributes to local tourism. With beautiful beaches, many untouched, which are compared only the Caribbean, and put the Northeast routes between major world tourism. Millions of tourists landing in modern northeastern airports every year. For some years the states have invested heavily in improving infrastructure, creation of new tourist poles, and some in the development of ecotourism

According to the survey "Consumption Habits of the Brazilian Tourism 2009" held at Vox Populi in November 2009, Bahia is the preferred destination of brasileiros1, since 21.4% of the tourists opted by the state. Pernambuco, with 11.9%, and Paul with 10.9%, are respectively in second and third places in the surveyed categories.
 STATES: AlagoasBahiaCearáMaranhãoParaíbaPernambucoPiauíRio Grande do NorteSergipe . ( From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. )

Tourism in the Central-West region of Brazil
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.

Tourism has been developing rapidly in the Midwest region of Brazil, attracting visitors from around the world. The best known is the Pantanal region. It is the largest wetland basin in the world, with varied vegetation and rich fauna. Other points of interest are the plateaus, as dos Guimarães, Mato Grosso, and the Veadeiros, in Goiás

In southeast Goiás, the attraction is the Emas National Park. There are still Brasilia, founded in 1960 and characterized by modern architecture and is today one of the largest Brazilian cities - "Heritage".

Tourism in Southeastern Brazil
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.
Southeast of Brazil.

One of the most important economic activities in the Southeast region of Brazil is tourism. It is in this region that there were several of the most visited tourist spots in the country. The Rio de Janeiro is internationally known for its beaches and the Rio carnival, besides being a major center for cultural tourism. São Paulo, also known worldwide, is the largest financial center in Brazil, and has many cultural and entertainment centers. In Minas Gerais, located be-the most important historical cities in Brazil such as Ouro Preto, Diamantina and Tiradentes. The Holy Spirit draws thousands of tourists every year because of its beaches.

Tourism in Southern Brazil
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.
Iguazu Falls.

The southern region of Brazil, comprising the states of Paraná, Santa Catarina and Rio Grande do Sul's main tourist attractions to its natural beauties, beaches, historic towns and their European colonies, beyond the well-defined climate, marked chiefly by severe winter .

 The Brazil is a very large country, the largest in South America. Its population is 201. 032,714 peoples


Now that you know a little about the regions of Brazil
'll teach a few words in Portuguese in case of any eventuality

Hello = OLA
thank you! = OBRIGADO
good day = BOM DIA
good afternoon = BOA TARDE
good night = BOA NOITE
how are you? = COMO VAI VOCE ?
can you help me? = VOCE PODE ME AJUDAR?
I do not speak Portuguese = EU NAO FALO PORTUGUES
how much is this? = QUANTO CUSTA ISSO?

Where is the airport? = ONDE E O AEROPORTO
where can I buy? = ONDE POSSO COMPRAR?
do not understand = NAO ENTENDO
understand = ENTENDO
please, you speak English?
I'm hungry =ESTOU COM FOME
I'm thirsty =ESTOU COM SEDE
this is beautiful = ISTO E LINDO


never visit a favela in Brazil alone
that you are a foreigner, always hire a tour guide, properly identified
If you have very fair skin and blue or green eyes, easily people will know you are a foreign tourist
so if it's a disco always have to reach your eyes that dri drinking
prefer to use a credit card to be
always use a taxi to get around

Phone 190 and police in Brazil, you can make a call from any payphone for free in case of emergency

The Brazil is a lot of nice country, and if you make a conscious tourism, there will be no problems 


Choose one of the following services:

     General guidance on the registration and issuance / renewal of Identity Card for Foreigners
     Require registration and issuance / renewal of Identity Card for Foreigners
     Apply for registration and issuance of Identity Card for Foreigners (MORE MEDICAL PROGRAM)
     Renewal or replacement of Identity Foreign
     Extend the stay period of Tourist and Traveler Business (Temporary II)
     Table Visas
     Card Entry and Exit - Entry / Exit Card - Tarjeta y Salidas Entries

Information on legislation, agreements immigration, nationality and naturalization should be consulted on the Ministry of Justice website.

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